Tom Moore
What do Randy Moss, Joe Mauer and Tom Moore have in common? Besides all their last names starting with ‘M’, each of these individuals have been inducted into their respective local organization’s Hall of Fame, but none of them have won a National Title or hold any league records.
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of our swimming community, it is truly an honor to stand before you today to celebrate the induction of Tom Moore into the Minnesota Masters Hall of Fame.
Tom's journey with us began in the sunny state of California. Living there, he faced challenges participating consistently in Rose Bowl Aquatics workouts due to proximity and work demands. But when he made the move to Minnesota and joined Scott Tripps and the Hopkins Masters, Tom decided to be more consistent with his swimming. Well, as he puts it, sometimes reality doesn't quite match our intentions - a sentiment we can all relate to.
Despite not always sticking to his workout plans, Tom's commitment to service has made waves. In 2010, when Brian Cohn revived the Minnesota Masters board and made a call for volunteers, Tom stepped up as secretary. Two years later, he became vice chair, and eventually, our fearless leader. His impact has been so significant that even former chair and fellow hall of famer Karen Zemlin had this to say: "Tom played a pivotal role in revitalizing the MN Masters leadership team and membership, helping put the right people in the right roles, stepping into a variety of roles himself and in his kind and thoughtful way encourage new volunteers to lend a hand.”
Although there is nobody who knows Robert’s rules better than Tom, Tom isn't just about board meetings and organizational jargon. No, he's the guy who encourages new volunteers to lend a hand, the one who inspired Carrie Stolar and others to dive into volunteering at both local and national levels. Among other things, Carrie credits Tom for supporting the launch of Adult Learn To Swim in Minnesota.
Feeling inspired by the positive effects of fresh ideas in our local waters, Tom decided to dive into gettng involved at the National level with United States Masters Swimming. He played a key role in turning the national meeting into a Volunteer Relay – as in hand-off. While I am sure this is a positive change, I am secretly hoping they kept the swim workout so Tom can swim alongside Rowdy Gaines and become BFFs as they streamline off the wall.
Since 2010, Tom has seen the Minnesota Masters board evolve, but the ideals of creating swimming opportunities and fostering camaraderie remain unchanged. Tom values the camaraderie more than ever, evident in his continued lack of consistency at practices. Today marks his first swim meet in over 10 years, but fear not; he's never missed a social gathering. In fact, Tom's the one often organizing those socials. He's got a knack for bringing people together, whether it's over dad jokes or his favorite holidays - Pi Day, May the 4th Be With You, and Talk Like a Pirate Day.
But Tom isn't just a social butterfly; he's a man of action. Scott describes him as creative, welcoming, friendly, commied, organized, helpful, honest, thoughul, approachable, and wonderfully calm and collected. Well, most of the time. Just don't get in his way during a set with goal times, or you might witness the limits of that calm and collected demeanor.
We can't forget to acknowledge Tom's biggest supporters - his wife Christine and son Charlie, who share his commitment to community service. They not only support Tom's volunteer endeavors but actively contribute to the community themselves. Tom's extended family and friends are also integral to his life, rounding out the circle of support that has fueled his journey.
In all seriousness, Tom embodies the spirit of selflessness, humor, and a genuine passion for Minnesota Masters. His contributions have created a ripple effect, and today, as we welcome him into our Hall of Fame, let's celebrate the laughter, dedication, and joy he has brought to our organization. We are all better swimmers and better people for having known him.
As Earl Campbell wisely said, "Somebody will always break your records. It is how you live that counts." And that, my friends, is why Tom Moore is being inducted into the Minnesota Masters Hall of Fame today - for how he has and is living. Congratulations, Tom, and thank you for your incredible contributions.