The Member Support Program
Within the Minnesota Masters LMSC, there is a program that provides financial help for our members whose personal resources may, at times, fall short of that required for participation in the Masters Swimming experience. This support can be wide-ranging, from help with meet entry fees, swim club dues, USMS annual fees, or similar expenses.
This program is open to current US Masters Swimming members, registered with Minnesota Masters. It’s a helping hand, not a handout. The Committee will, probably in most cases, give assistance that may likely help with the costs, rather than entirely subsidize a given activity. As a part of the grant, there will be the expectation that, whenever possible, the recipient of the financial help does what they can to give back, in the form of service to their club or workout group, volunteer at a meet they are attending, or help in some other way.
The Foundation Committee is also there for clubs and workout groups who may need assistance to offer a program that builds Masters Swimming participation in the MN LMSC.
Members are encouraged to read our committee's “Operating Policies and Procedures” to familiarize themselves with the purpose, award criteria, and scope of the Member Support Committee’s process. Please do this before filling out an application.
Quick Links
Member Support Committee Individual Application
Member Support Committee Team Application
Application forms are also available from Tom Hodgson: tahodgson21@gmail.com